Saturday, April 20, 2013

Does GOD has a form?

In general, all religious or spiritual practitioner will take GOD as abstract.  None of them has any idea in term of GOD's feature, quality or existent.  This has been a very loose school of thoughts that forms human's perception of GOD.  Why is that so?   

We as human, is the only creature in this world that can think beyond eating, sleeping, mating, and defending. Only human form of life can bring about a principle led life to know GOD and HIS kingdom.  There is not an option in other spices of life the thinking capacity which is unique for human alone.

Our perceptions are based on our surroundings which is by nature is a material realm.  Our thoughts are limited by what we experience with our five senses.  We are not able to digest anything beyond our sense perception.   In the similar way we limit our perception on GO, who is beyond this material perception  In conclusion, we say GOD has NO form.  Are we limiting GOD's omnipotent?

Let us discuss in a very objective way.  Can we limit GOD with our defects?  Can't GOD reveal His existent? Why GOD has to hide in abstract world? 

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